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MODxpo 2010: The MODx CMS Conference Dallas, TX


I am sharing some links/resources from people who are attending the conference and share bits and pieces of this great event in MODx history.

MODxpo 2010 Videos

Updated and Old links removed

MODxpo Day One - 640x480 version

Atlanta - GATexas ServerSize
Keynote - Ryan ThrashVideo 1Video 1585MB
Bespoke CMS - Jeff WhitfieldxVideo 20.98GB
Panel DiscussionVideo 3Video 3777MB
MODx in Enterprise at DellVideo 4Video 4990MB
MODx in Enterprise at Dell - Two
Video 4bVideo 4b94.8MB
Templates & Site Building Strategies - Charlie Madison
Video 4cVideo 4c558MB
Basic Website Security - Everett GriffithsxVideo 5965MB
E-Commerce Bootcamp - Brett FlorioxVideo 61.29GB

MODxpo Day Two - 640x480 version

Atlanta - GATexas ServerSize
Hello. Meet Revolution - Shaun McCormickxVideo 11.40GB
xPDO: Foundation for the Future - Jason CowardxVideo 21.12GB
Round Two - Charlie MadisonVideo 3 Video 3810MB
MODx + Windows: Open Source Interoperability - Josh HolmesxVideo 41.27GB
QnA - Shaun McCormickxVideo 51.51GB
Digital Butter - Glen Chu and James BodellVideo 6Video 6285MB
Panel Discussion - Core DevelopersxVideo 71.27GB

YouTube video of Photos taken at the MODxpo

Note: This page will be updated as soon as I have more data to share, so check back.