Release of MODx Evolution 1.0.1
Less than 3 months after our initial Evo 1.0 release, the MODx team is pleased to announce its first update—and it's a big one! Evolution 1.0.1 confirms our commitment to and focus on improving our classic code base and adopting MODx Revolution conventions. This release should be considered a mandatory upgrade for any site running previous releases of MODx Evolution/0.9.X.
Here are some of the feature highlights for MODx Evolution 1.0.1:
Multiple areas have been improved to help protect against unlikely but possible CSRF attacks in the Manager. In addition, Ajax Search has been updated to version 1.8.4 which prevents content injection when JS is off in the browser and the Manager password reminder has been updated to prevent forged logins under different usernames.
Manager Manager is now a part of the core distribution. This Plugin leverages jQuery to allow developers to completely customize the Manager experience for end users. Some useful input widgets are included by default (tagging, color picker, image TV preview) and new widgets can be developed to streamline your daily content management. ManagerManager gives you the benefits of a fully bespoke/custom CMS, coupled with the support of large Open Source Community and maintaining an upgrade path for future releases.
Transalias plugin
Welcome to multilingual SEO: Our transalias plugin further enhances MODx's robust capabilities as a SEO site platform, our URL transliteration plugin automatically creates human-readable URLs from the page titles of each Resource in the MODx Site Tree. additionally, Transalias can be configured to handle your exact rules for characters allowed in URLs. With MODx it's easy to mix Russian Cyrillic, Japanese Kanji and typical English URLs all in one site. This is a dream for Site Owner that operate multi-language websites and are working on optimizing Search Engine results for each translation.
The new MODx installer adds the time- and task-saving ability for developers to install MODx with their favorite and customizations of the Add-ons it handles.. Simply drop your snippets, chunks, plugins and modules into the relevant directories as .tpl files, add a phpDocs formatted header, and the installer automatically presents the choices for you to install the Elements directly into the MODx database.
The MODx installer supports multiple languages including RTL languages, while installing the main application in the same or an alternate language. (The default language can be overridden a per-user basis in the Manager.)
QM+ brings additional improvements have made this elegant front-end content editor even better for daily use.
Upgrading from Evolution 1.0 or earlier releases should be fast, simple and straightforward, and is highly recommended. We look forward to your feedback and continuing to improve MODx.
Release Notes - MODx CMF - Version Evolution 1.0.1
- [MODX-206] - Vulnerability with CSRF(Cross Site Request Forgery)
- [MODX-586] - Cancle button on the move document page does not redirect you to the selected page
- [MODX-1000] - On editting a template variabele the right "Cancel" button is positioned weird
- [MODX-1001] - Navigation issues when pressing the cancel button
- [MODX-1025] - No alerts on deleting the keywords
- [MODX-1038] - line endings bug in several manager-files (RC3)
- [MODX-1065] - quoted_printable function in save_user.processor.php not availabe in some server configurations
- [MODX-1084] - Download path issue in File Manager
- [MODX-1087] - JS error when manager does not have permissions to empty trashcan
- [MODX-1129] - Editing form layout broken in IE6 (simple CSS fix included)
- [MODX-1160] - Missing label on search form for manager logs
- [MODX-1183] - Fatal error when new password send by email
- [MODX-1188] - Missed events for Transalias after r5682
- [MODX-1190] - installer should be able to handle name changes for things it's upgrading
- [MODX-1216] - Remove "execute snippet" from mutate_snippets and mutate_modules
- [MODX-1217] - Automatically Generated Aliases should not contain periods.
- [MODX-1218] - Enable CSRF check by default for sites that set headers properly
- [MODX-1254] - Trash Bin hidden by Roles cause JS error!
- [MODX-1262] - Forgot password compromise
- [MODX-1263] - VERY SIMPLE FIX in single character not included in jQuery call
- [MODX-1286] - Cache issues
- [MODX-1289] - RC1.0.1 url alias
- [MODX-1295] - Demo content categories need to be set
- [MODX-1301] - New weblink creation problem
- [MODX-1309] - Upgrades reset the Element categories always
- [MODX-180] - Convert weblink to document (and vice versa)
- [MODX-929] - Swap default click behavior for the Tree menu
- [MODX-988] - Consolidate version number locations in Evo
- [MODX-1067] - Site Tree usability would be improved by making it 1 click to edit
- [MODX-1077] - login panel
- [MODX-1095] - Fixed Spanish Translation typos and missing labels and convert it to UTF-8
- [MODX-1138] - Make installer more flexible and organized
- [MODX-1145] - Begin deprecation of META Tags management in the Manager
- [MODX-1227] - Add a config check warning for the referrer CSRF check is disabled.
- [MODX-1242] - Review default configurations/versions for all Core Distributed add-on and update as needed.
- [MODX-1268] - Danish language file for the manager
- [MODX-1269] - Danish language file for the installer
- [MODX-1276] - comments taking up space in site cache file
- [MODX-1282] - Swedish language files for Evolution 1.0.1
- [MODX-1284] - Czech language file for Evo 1.0.1
- [MODX-1287] - New danish language file for Evo 1.01
- [MODX-1288] - New danish language file for Evo 1.01 instal
- [MODX-1303] - Demo content categorization
- [MODX-1306] - Clean up styling on Manager login page
- [MODX-1307] - Update styling on QM+ to improve usability
- [MODX-1131] - Remove "Show Preview Window" from Site Configuration page
- [MODX-1250] - Review 1.0.1 language additions
- [MODX-1261] - Review and merge fixes from 1.0 branch into 1.0.1 release as appropriate
- [MODX-1302] - Create demo content defaults for ManagerManager
- [MODX-1041] - Missed string in all language files
- [MODX-1243] - Installer updates from 1.0 branch (with TVs/Templates added in if possible)
- [MODX-1244] - Manager Manager 0.3.5 (or later ... a few more tweaks coming this week)
- [MODX-1245] - Quick Manager + latest version
- [MODX-1246] - Ajax Search from 1.0 branch (or later)