MODx CMS - The Ajax, SEO CMS
Few lines from MODx CMS website.
For bloggers, developers and other members of the digerati looking for more, MODx can help take it to the next level. If you've ever cringed when "calling the web guys" to make simple site updates, chances are it fits equally as well. MODx makes working with the tools du jour easy, be it Ajax or the most highly search optimized CSS/XHTML sites. If you can imagine it, chances are there's at least three different ways to do it with MODx.
In my opinion MODx is best choice for webdesigners who do not code. Obviously this website is built on top of brilliant and flexible framework of MODx, it provides me total control over design and content. Producing XHTML and CSS compliant websites, a piece of cake with MODx! you just need to go through documentation little precisely and you will be able to layout your MODx based website in exactly the way you want.