The Evolution of a Revolution
The Evolution of a Revolution, Ryan Thrash tells us about the story behind the new names :) and a sneak-peek into neat future of MODx. The whole post is really interesting and gives you lots more insight of whats going on behind the scenes.
We considered alternate names like “MODx CMS”, “MODx Lite”, “MODx Web”, “MODx Classic” or “MODx Base”. At the end of the day though, “Evolution” accurately describes what it is and how it came to life.
The long-discussed “0.9.7” pending release also gets in on the naming exercise. Its re-architecture and rewrite make “MODx Revolution” an appropriate name. (We likewise also considered others such as “MODx CMF”, “MODx App” or “MODx Pro”...)
Take a few minutes, read The Evolution of a Revolution