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Drum Roll: MODx Evolution Release Candidate is here

The first release candidate is finally out for public consumption, it has lots of improvements, bug fixes and some terminology changes as well. I'll try to gather some information on changed terminology and will post on my blog for reference soon.

Another noticeable change is, Manager Themes. RC has new and only 2 manager themes in a default distribution. "MODx Carbon" theme is the new default theme, and the other one is for the Right-to-Left languages such as Persian.

Enough chit chat, now put your mouse cursor on this long link and then make a sound of click by pressing it, to download the MODx Evolution Release Candiate 1. :P

Your feedback is always welcome in MODx Forums.



MODx Evolution 1.0.0-RC1 (rev 5122 - June 11, 2009)
* [#MODX-620] Add boolean support to Datagrid class
* [#MODX-446] Implement Soushi's path for large site cache optimizations
* Updated installer styling
* [#MODX-410] Fix document permissions inheriting
  (for users without access to manage document permissions)
* Updated snoopy class to version 1.2.4 (used by magpierss).
* [#MODX-320] Updated the logo for 3 default manager themes.
* [#MODX-724] Create .htaccess template to set the session paths out of
  shared /tmp/ directories which can lead to loosing sessions from
  aggressive garbage collection.
* [#AJAXSEARCH-31] and [#AJAXSEARCH-32] fixed.
* [#MODX-220] Update language files.
* [#MODX-394] Update Russian installation file.
* [#MODX-715] Fix .jp lang file for incorrect hard-coded link
* Updated AjaxSearch to release 1.8.2.
* [#MODX-541] Fix the include statement in getUserData() method.
* [#MODX-650]  bad reference to (now
* Updated TinyMCE to release