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MODx Manager Theme Pack

Update: This theme pack is compatible with 0.9.6.x version only.

Few days back when I was working on a modxclub website, I thought to change the manager theme to have a different visual since its been very long I have working with MODxLight theme. In that process I downloaded several themes and installed them and particularly I liked very much is, MODx Carbon theme.

Then an idea came to my mind that what if I create a bundled package of available themes and put it up for other MODx'ers? So I created this bundled package and its available for you to download and install.

Finally the goods

Download MODx Manager Theme Pack.

Place the theme folders in manager/media/stlye/and you are set.

NOTE: None of themes are exclusively made by me, I just bundled them in one tiny package for easier installation. So all the due credits goes to their respective authors.